Literary chronology

With Xosé Velo, he publishes the original project of the Cartafol de poesía, a collection of poems which was sent from Celanova to people who were interested in poetry.

He publishes his book of poems in Spanish Al aire de tu vuelo.

He publishes Bailadas, cantiagas y Donaires in Edicións Céltiga, a collection of poems “neopopularistas” with a preface by Fermín Bouza-Brey and cover of the Ramón Peña.

He publishes Musa alemá, an anthology of 15 poems of German authors adapted by Celso Emilio and Antonio Blanco Freijeiro.

He publishes the essay Curros Enríquez. Biografía in Editorial Moret.

It comes out O soño sulagado. This year he also publishes Voz y voto in Gráficas Numen of Vigo.

He publishes the work Longa noite de pedra, which definitely establishes him as a poet.

This year he publishes Viaxe ao país dos ananos and Cantigas de escarnio e maldecir, signed by his satirical heteronym Aristides Silveira.

He brings out Terra de ningures in the collection Val de Lemos, of Editorial Xistral, directed by Manuel María in Monforte.

He edits “13 poemas iracundos y una canción inesperada”, offprint of the magazine of Caracas Expediente, as advance of his work Antipoemas.

He sends the spanish version of Antipoemas to IV International Award Poesía Álamo of Salamanca, and he wins it.

When the winning work is printed, the publishers censor ten poems without the permission of the author. In response, Ferreiro publishes in Venezuela an offprint under the title “Poemas prohibidos. Diez poemas no incluídos en el libro Antipoemas por causas no imputables a la voluntad del autor” (Prohibited Poems. Ten poems not included in the book Antipoemas for reasons not attributable to the will of the author”). In addition, the same year he publishes the books A fronteira infinda and Autoescolha poética (1954-1972).

He publishes Os autentes, signed with the name Alexis Vainacova, Fóronse á puñeta, signed by Neskezas Cokhan Mordhe, and the book of burlesque epitaphs Cemiterio privado.

He publishes Onde o mundo se chama Celanova in a bilingual edition, as well as the work Al César enano, a compilation signed under the pseudonym Stow Kiwotto Lumen, wich includes twelve verses that the poet wrote between 1961 and the time of publication.

He wins the Critics Prize of Galician Poetry for the work Onde o mundo se chama Celanova. He edits also El Alcalde y otros cuentos with Ediciones Júcar.

He publishes Curros Enriquez: Obra poética completa and his book Antología bilingüe to Plaza y Janés of Barcelona.

He makes public A taberna do Galo in Ediciós Castrelos.

Posthumously, O libro dos homenaxes is published, Ferreiro had given the original to his friend Alonso Montero Xesús eight days before his death.

In the year of the centennial celebration appears Longa noite de pedra/Larga noche de piedra, Collection CÉLEBRES 2011, Auga Editora.