Poemas de Celso Emilio Ferreiro vertidos ao inglés a cargo de Jason Preater

No interesante blogue Writing Finger, Jason Preater ofreceu, hai algúns meses, a tradución de tres poemas de Celso Emilio Ferreiro ao inglés. Velaquí a súa versión de  ”Longa noite de pedra”:

Long Night of Stone

In my path there is a stone
I have a stone in the middle of the path
I have a stone
In the middle of the path I have a stone.
(Carlos Drummond de Andrade)

The roof is of stone
Of stone are the walls
And the shadows
Of stone the ground
And the bars.
The doors,
The chains,
The air,
The windows,
The looks,
Are of stone.
The hearts of men
Who wait far off
Are made
Of stone
And I am dying
In this long night
Of stone.